Ms Hendrina KhanyileGeneral Manager – Human Resources, UTi Africa
“On the 17th June 2014, in the State of the Nation Address by His Excellency Jacob G Zuma, President of the Republic of SA on the occasion of the Joint Sitting of Parliament, Cape Town, he said: As we enter the second phase of our transition from apartheid to a national democratic society, we have to embark on radical socio-economic transformation to push back the triple challenges."
Change will not come about without some far-reaching interventions.
Having attended the OD and Influence programmes presented by the Influence Company, I have no doubt that, indeed, these are those far reaching interventions the president refers to. I think it’s time to roll up our sleeves and implement the many amazing strategies and goals set us by our leaders whether in government or in business, where I operate, and with the kind of outcomes and successes I’ve achieved, The Influence Company’s programmes are how we’re going to achieve them.
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+27 74 745 3313
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