Creating high performance in group settings
Learn to facilitate meetings or on-going group sessions. Find the confidence to plan and lead productive interactions.
This practical experienced based learning will help you shift groups from total strangers to highly engaged working or learning teams.
The Opportunity
When in meeting or group settings, individuals do not necessarily act to expectation: one would think that the opportunity to connect and be influential will bring out the best in people, but more often than not, it doesn’t. People play for power, withdraw, hide, blame, play political games, or simply go underground, making very expensive interactions useless and even destructive.
The Need
Getting ahead, means bringing diverse individuals together to plan, innovate, learn, solve problems, make decisions, resolve differences and sustain commitment. This does not only require skills, it necessitates a unique and essential form of interactive leadership – the Art of Facilitation.
The Touch Point – Workshop Overview
Having good Facilitators across all levels of the organisation is a necessity if companies want to get stakeholders willingly engaged, aligned, happy, focussed, connected and dedicated to sustainable high performance. This workshop cultivates the skills needed to get meetings and|or groups productive for performance, innovation, learning or high quality decisions.
The Facilitation Breakthrough – Learning Outcomes
- Understand the purpose and role of facilitation as an interactive form of leadership;
- Explore the structure, process and steps during facilitation in any context;
- Explore the art of managing task- and people factors in groups;
- Apply structural facilitation tools and techniques;
- Learn and practice relevant influence behaviours during facilitation;
- Be aware of intrapersonal, interpersonal and group dynamics;
- Identify own strengths, development gaps and blockages during face-to-face delivery;
- Explore the application of interventions during group interaction.