Master the Influence Styles of:
- Bridging - how to build trust and earn loyalty
- Asserting - how claim and create value
- Attracting - how to engage and motivate others
- Persuading - how to power your logic
For the first time in South Africa, we are offering powerful one-day interventions that can help you master influence, one step at a time. The learning is practical and experiential and will allow you to build confidence as an influencer over time.
The Opportunity
The world renowned Positive Power & Influence Programme has Influence Style Flexibility and the ability to read situations and act appropriately at its core. We now offer the opportunity to learn each of the Influence Styles and Tactical Actions in advanced form.
The Need
Shape up your ability to know when to use what influence culture, style and behaviours with confidence. Whether you are an executive who needs to sustain trust and a positive climate across critical stakeholders or a professional or community member who wants to show up as a leader in your realm, these skills will be enable you to make the most significant shifts in your life.
The Touch Point - Workshop Overview
Designed as practical and experienced based power workshops, you will be enabled to demonstrate and switch between influence styles as influence objectives and situational conditions dictate.
The Learning Breakthrough
- Assess your ability to execute the Influence Style of the day
- Learn how to set proper influence objectives
- Learn how to read situations for influence style selection
- Learn how to execute the Influence Style of the day and the tactical actions of disengagement with high verbal and non-verbal impact
- Uncover your skills gaps, blocks and value conflicts for the Style of the Day
- Plan for and execute a Critical Influence Situation