Critical Dialogues is about the ability to influence positively in difficult situations
The Opportunity
We all have to face difficult situations and people sometimes. This 2-day practical experiential learning is will help you to stand in your personal power when the stakes are high.
The Need
If you tend to shy away when things get difficult between people, you will find the confidence to manage these dialogues skillfully. Learn to work with active and passive resistance and become equipped to deal with the negative face of power positively.
The Touch Point
Critical dialogues is about skillful bridging, asserting and disengaging. This 2-day workshop will help you plan for and execute difficult conversations with powerful impact., regardless of your personality.
You can look forward to roll up your sleeves and practice these skills in a safe, yet challenging context.
Our Facilitators will help you address your blockages when things get tough, and you will know how to establish safety for others while protecting the integrity of all parties.
The Breakthrough
- Learn to identify, read & plan for difficult influence situations;
- Demonstrate Bridging, Attracting and Disengaging during influence;
- Discover your blocks under pressure;
- Distinguish between the psychological impact of negative vs. positive power and influence...