Jabu MashininiProfessional Associate
Jabu has 20 years experience and is a seasoned Executive and Team Coach, Transformation Dialogue and Process Facilitator and an expert in Conflict Resolution, Negotiation, Relationship Coaching, Systems Coaching & Diversity management training. He is the lead Facilitator for Mandela Dialogues, sponsored by the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
To read more, click on Jabu's picture.
- 1994 – Current. Director at Phaphama Initiatives. Phaphama Initiatives, formed in 2001 as TALK Project, later merged with Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP). Responsibilities: Facilitator, Trainer and Mentor of all Phaphama’s programmes;
- 2012 - Current. Professional Associate at The Influence Company- Certicied Trainer for The Personal Influence & Negotiation Programmes;
- 2012. Coaching for Performance | Multichoice: WinWin Inside Group;
- 2011. Team Building and Change management Facilitation | ICAS Southern Africa;
- 2006 – 2011: Consultant, Trainer and Mentor for DiversityJoy | Amsterdam-Netherlands;
- 2010. Coach | New Leaders Foundation;
- 2010 – Current. Facilitator Trainer | Health and Development Africa (Pty)Ltd;
- TALK Language Facilitator training, Phaphama Initiative, 1992;
- Alternatives to Violence Basic, Advanced and Train the Trainer, 1995;
- Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective people course, 1995;
- Lifeline Counselling course, 1997;
- Negotiation and Mediation Skills course, ACCORD, 2003;
- Logical Levels of Consciousness - Numenon Counselling Institute, Belgium, 2007;
- Gender Reconciliation Facilitator training, Satyana Institute U.S.A, 2008 (ongoing);
- Mediation training, CCR Netherlands, 2009;
- Deep Democracy, Green Belt, Capgemini, 2010;
- Certified Trainer: Positive Power & Influence and Positive Negotiation Training, The Influence Company, 2012;
- ETDP-SETA Accredited Assessor- Level 5, 2012;
- Certificate of Coaching – Results Coaching System, 2012;
- Intuitive Coaching- Results Coaching System, 2012;
- Certificate of Organisation Relationship Systems Coaching, CRR Global, ( Team Coaching), 2012;
- Attending Professional Certificate in Coaching – Henley Business School,2013;
- Facilitator training of “Hlayiseka” (Early warning system-to address violence in school), 2005 – 2009;
- Co-author of Via Africa Publishers Grade 10-12 Life Orientation textbooks, 2004 – Current;
- ABET (Adult Basic Education and Training) Facilitator, AECI and Reckitt & Colman, 1998.
- Tertiary Education:
BA. (Honours) in Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies - University of Natal; 2003
Programme and Project Management in Public and Development Management – University of the Witwatersrand Graduate School of Public and Development Management; 2007
Industrial Relations Diploma – Damelin Management School; 1997
Secondary Teachers' Diploma (2nd year) East Rand College of Education, Springs; 1997- LinkedIn:
- https://za.linkedin.com/pub/jabu-mashinini-jabu/